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Edition 11


edited by Owen Livermore

Originally published as an integrated/interactive HTML website, this edition has been preserved for future viewing in the form of PDFs which attempt to preserve the original layout as best as possible.

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Edition 11 (Modern)

Edition 11 (Legacy)

Individual Chapters

From the Editor

Amanda D’Aoust

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

For A Sentiment of Beat Infancy: Conceptions of Childhood in the American Avant-garde

Graeme Langdon

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Antonioni–La Grande tétralogie du malaise moderne: une étude visuelle de l’absence et du vide

Catherine Benoit

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Eye and Brain, Torn Asunder: Reading Ideology in Sally Potter’s Orlando

Zoë Heyn-Jones

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Si le vent soulève la neige …

Anne-Louise Lalancette

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Look At Me and Tell Me If You’ve Known Me Before: Exploring Affect After Inland Empire

Kate Rennebohm

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

About the Design & deviantART

Adam Rosadiuk

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Concordia University
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
1455 Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, FB 319
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8

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