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Edition 8


edited by Michael Baker

Originally published as an integrated/interactive HTML website, this edition has been preserved for future viewing in the form of PDFs which attempt to preserve the original layout as best as possible.

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Edition 8 (Modern)

Edition 8 (Legacy)

Individual Chapters

Underground Film, Into the Light: Two Sides of the Projected Image in American Art, 1945-1975

Brett Kashmere

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Canadian Experimental Cinema since the 1990s: Retro-Vision and Trans-Vision

Gerda Johanna Cammaer

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Mike Hoolboom and The Invisible Man: Gallery Review, The Iconic Canadian Filmmaker’s First-Ever Solo Public Gallery Show

Jon Davies

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

With Hoolboom: Animals That Make Pictures: An Interview about Public Lighting

Tomá Tetiva & Petra Veselá

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

By Hoolboom: Notes on Two Movies by Dirk De Bruyn

Mike Hoolboom

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Arthur Lipsett: Lost and Found

Amelia Does

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

21-87: A Multimedia Analysis

Adam Rosadiuk

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

From Dots-and-Loops to Cut-and-Past: Arthur Lipsett’s Very Nice, Very Nicee

Michael Baker

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

EXPRMNTL 3 / Knokke-le-Zoute 1963: Flaming Creatures, Raving Features

Gerda Johanna Cammaer

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

In the Audience: One Man’s Cinema, Another Man’s Confession

Brian Crane

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

+ Splinter Reviews VIII: Reviews of and responses to contemporary & canonical experimental cinema

Multiple Authors

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Dr. Vornoff’s Corner #003: The avant-garde meets the grindhouse

Dr. Eric Vornoff

Modern Edition

Legacy Edition

Concordia University
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
1455 Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, FB 319
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8

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