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Issue 4.2


Locating the Intimate within the Global: Xavier Dolan, Queer Nations and Québec Cinema

Locating the Intimate within the Global: Xavier Dolan, Queer Nations and Québec Cinema
edited by Kester Dyer, Andrée Lafontaine, and Fulvia Massimi.

Download the full issue of Synoptique 4.2

Individual Chapters



Kester Dyer, Andrée Lafontaine, and Fulvia Massimi


“A Boy’s Best Friend is His Mother”: Québec’s Matriarchy and Queer Nationalism in the Cinema of Xavier Dolan

Fulvia Massimi

Les voix queers dans Mommy de Xavier Dolan

Jason R. D’Aoust

Pouvoir et déclin de l’intime : Films postréférendaires, identités genrées et identités sexuelles

Julie Ravary

Conceptualizing Quebec National Cinema: Denys Arcand’s Cycle of Post-Referendum Films as Case Study

David Hanley

Interview with Bill Marshall

Kester Dyer, Andrée Lafontaine, and Fulvia Massimi

Lectures croisées et pistes de réflexions autour de Laurence Anyways / A Cross-Reading of Laurence Anyways

Interventions by Christina Brassard, Katrina Sark, Angela Urrea and Mariana Gil-Arboleda


The True (Homonational) North, Strong and Free

Clinton Glenn

The Lure of an Ever-Elusive Global Melodrama

Meredith Slifkin

Digging Up a Decade: Unearthing the Relevance of 1940s Horror

Justin H. Langlois

Confused Auteurism: What Has Adoor Gopalakrishnan Got to Do With It?

Parichay Patra

Festival Reviews

On Heroines, High Heels and Hierarchies: Challenging the 68th Festival de Cannes’ “Year Off””

Bradley Warren

Cinemalaya 2015: A Decade of Philippine Independent Cinema

Adam Szymanski

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