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Issue 9.1


Animating LGBTQ+ Representations:
Queering the Production of Movement

edited by Kevin Cooley, Edmond “Edo” Ernest dit Alban, and Jacqueline Ristola.
Animating LGBTQ+ Representations:
Queering the Production of Movement

Disclaimer: The following issue contains graphic images of pornographic nature. Reader’s discretion is advised.

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Individual Chapters


Queer Animation, The Motion of Illusion: A Primer for the Study of Queer Animated Images

Kevin Cooley, Edmond “Edo” Ernest dit Alban, and Jacqueline Ristola


Once More, With Feeling!: Or, How I Built a Mutoscope to Mourn the Censorship of Queer Porn GIFs on Tumblr

Grace Van Ness

Family Guy’s Queer Child

Kyler Chittick


(Be)coming Out in Comics: Navigating Liminality and Queer Identity Formation

Sasha Sanders


Xavier Éloïse Gorgol Steimetz

Flip Flappers Zine

Evelyn Ramiel

Notes on “Bungle in the Jungle,” Starring Moxie Mutt and Caribou Krubb

Kevin Cooley

Sexy Stillness: Towards a Queered Approach to Images’ movement In, Out, and Between Japanese Popular Media (and Probably Beyond?)

Edmond “Edo” Ernest dit Alban, comments and art by Fabrissou

Memoirs of a Fujoshi

Pearl Moeko

Thought Pieces

Non-Centered Centers: Queering Animation

Mark Hollis

The Pornographic GIF: A Navigation of Movement, Labour and Anti-Capitalism

Gina Prat Lilly

SO MANY FEELS~!’; Queering Male Shonen Characters in BL Anime Music Videos and Dōjinshi Music Videos

Julie Brousseau

Book Reviews

Deborah Levitt. The Animatic Apparatus: Animation, Vitality, and the Futures of the Image

Cole Armitage

Jane Mai and An Nguyen. So Pretty / Very Rotten

Evelyn Ramiel

Gilad Padva. Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture

Alyssa Dewees

David McGowan. Animated Personalities: Cartoon Characters and Stardom in American Theatrical Shorts

Patrick Woodstock

Gayatri Gopinath. Unruly Visions: The Aesthetic Practices of Queer Diaspora

Tanvi Rajvanshi

Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin. The Anime Boom in the United States

Aurélie Petit

Maud Lavin, Yang Ling, and Zhao Jing Jamie, eds. Boy’s Love, Cosplay, and Angrogynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

Jacob Zhicheng Zhang

General Book Reviews

Susan Potter. Queer Timing: The Emergence of Lesbian Sexuality in Early Cinema

Alani Gaunt

Robert Stam. World Literature, Transnational Cinema, and Global Media: Towards a Transartistic Commons

Pablo La Parra Pérez

Ramon Lobato. Netflix Nations: The Geography of Digital Distribution

Giulia Taurino

Katherine Groo. Bad Film Histories: Ethnography and the Early Archive

Jonathan Larcher

Alison Griffiths. Carceral Fantasies: Cinema and Prison in Early Twentieth-Century America

Patrick Smith

Festival and Event Reviews

Animating the Queer Future: A Review of “Arca and Jesse Kanda Live at the Roundhouse”

Christopher Michael

Francine Desbiens récompensée du prix René Jodoin aux 18èmes Sommets du Cinéma d’Animation de Montréal

Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre

Review of the 46th Concordia Film Festival

Antoine Demeule and Alexandre Vermeil

Compte rendu du colloque Télévision queer

Chloé Glangeaud

Festival and Event Reviews

Notes on Contributors

Synoptique Editors

Concordia University
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
1455 Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, FB 319
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8

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